Liberty Doctors d/b/a/ Charles Towne Pediatrics

Located at 3800 Faber Place Drive, North Charleston, SC 29405 (843)747-4647

Charles Towne Pediatrics
3800 Faber Place Drive
North Charleston SC 29405
Office Number: 843-747-4647
Fax Number: 843-745-0969

Providers at this Office:
Anna C. Pruitt, MD
Channell Bonnette, PA-C

Hours: MONDAY-FRIDAY 8am-6pm

Liberty Doctors d/b/a Charles Towne Pediatrics

Request an Appointment at This Office

Please complete the form below and provide your phone number and email address (optional)

Are you currently an established patient at this office?

Are You Vaccinated?

Pneumococcal pneumonia is a serious lung disease that causes breathing difficulties, cough, and fever. In addition to these symptoms, becoming infected with this disease leaves patients at risk for hospitalization, heart issues, and even death. Fortunately, pneumococcal pneumonia is preventable. The CDC recommends that all babies and children under age 2, receive the Prevnar 13 vaccination to help prevent them from contracting the disease. Despite this recommendation, 53.14% of eligible patients received their Prevnar 13 vaccine from Liberty Doctors d/b/a Charles Towne Pediatrics between January and April 2017. Our goal is to vaccinate all patients who are at risk of catching pneumococcal pneumonia. If you are unsure if you have received this vaccination, please contact your provider.


Reviewing Your Medication with your Doctor

There are many medications that can have unpredictable or dangerous effects when taken together. For this reason, it is important to tell your doctor all the medications you are taking, including any over the counter drugs or herbal supplements. Between January and August 2017, 100% of patients seen at Liberty Doctors d/b/a Charles Towne Pediatrics had their medications reviewed with their provider. If you do not know or are uncertain if your doctor is aware of all your medications, please bring a detailed list to your next appointment.


What Our Patients Have Said

Over the past year, Liberty Doctors d/b/a Charles Towne Pediatrics has been collecting opinions and suggestions from our patients to measure their satisfaction with our services. Now we wish to share a few of these results with the public and our patients.

“My messages are returned in a timely fashion”

“Front office staff is friendly and polite”

“Appointments are available when I request them”

“My test results are available in a timely manner”

“Overall, I am satisfied with the treatment I receive at this primary care facility”

Charles Towne Pediatrics is Proud to Partner With:

MUSC Health Center for Telehealth

Reach Out & Read
Begin With Books (The Charleston County Affiliate of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library)